Tuesday 3 May 2011

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience Feedback One

The two images displayed below were our original attempt at the Cd cover and digital pack. Audience feedback suggested that the images used and the concept created on the two products did not combine well with the main product to create an artist identity that was recognizable to an audience that could easily relate to katy perry and other real media products and music videos. learning from this i made two new different products to go with the c.d. cover and also music video. The new images used were more fitting to the conventional package that would reflect katy perry,the genre and the artist in our music video.

Feedback Two

After creating a rough draft of our music video aswell as putting clips of our music video on our facebook page for our media product , feedback showed us that the transaction between shots in our music video was too slow and needed to be faster for the product to follow conventions of real media products. However we did learn from our feedback that the narrative in video was clear to the audience , helping audience to relate to the product as they would to a real media product by katy perry.

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