Wednesday 2 February 2011

Hot and cold breakdown

During the video breakdown of Hot and Cold , the narrative of teenage romance was there as was feminity , much similar to the message portrayed in Teenage dream. Katy is seen wearing a wedding dress which conventionally is extremely feminine. The plot behind the music video involves Katy chasing her groom , suggesting she is a sterotypical 'bride'. This is not a convention we will choose to use in our music video as we want to show females and other invdivduals as independant , and not like the character portrayed in Hot and Cold. The locations used are more urban in Hot and cold and the use of long shots throughout the video show the more 'street' style locations. This is a convention we will use in our music video as a more realistic feel is projected from the music video to the audience , helping them to relate to the narrative and mis-en-scene in our Firework video.

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