Wednesday 9 March 2011

This video was filmed by Ellie and myself as a narrative scene for our music video. We decided to use the conventions of Katy Perry's music video as she uses ample amount of narrative scenes to create a strong message to her audiences. When researching into her Firework video we both noticed how the artist used emotional narrative scenes such as bullying or domestic abused juxtaposed with what some may see as heroic narrative. This creates a stronger story to the music video , the use of equilibrium and disequiblerium to create a new more positive equibelerium ( character in the scene stops negativity from happening such as the boy in this scene stop his dad hurting his mum). Ellie and myself used a range of shots in this filmed scene also. We used long shots to establish the characters in the scene as-well as close ups of the affected characters in the scene. We did this as Katy Perry does so in her hot and cold and firework video. She uses close ups and long shots in scenes where the importance of characters emotions and roles in narrative scenes needs to be emphasized to the show the message behind the video.

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