Wednesday 17 November 2010

As Production into A2

Throughout my As media production i feel i aqquired essential skills and knowledge that i can carry through to my A2 project. When chosing what type of project i would unterake during my studies in As media i chose to create a music magazine.Chosing this particular choice of project i was able to carry out indepth research into the media and its entirity , thus of which invited me to learn vaulable information that give me ample amounts of knowledge for A2. At the beginning of the project admitably using photoshop was not a process during my production i felt i would be able to use and gain from it what i had wished. However through constant practice aswell as producing sample work to work through a sort of trial and error stage in order to then feel condfident using the programme. I know have the undetstanding and ability to not only use the programme but also succeed in gaining the standard of work i would expect for my media project as a result. This will help throughout my A2 media production even though the demand and standards will be higher im feel As has enabled me to develop the aqquistion of media skills required from A2.

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